Redefining the way profit is measured by incorporating the true cost of our impact on People and the Planet.

Investing our energy, expertise and funds into projects that follow our core values and philosophy. 

Challenging the norm and exploring  the boundaries in the way we think about investments.  

We love to work with Innovators. Dreamers. Change Makers. 

Investment Philosophy

We’re industry agnostic, and are focused on integrating everything we invest in with our way of living. In doing so, we make sure our projects are in balance with our core values and philosophy.

From a macro level, we look at how we can position purpose-driven opportunities into various markets, and where we can bring on partners who are suited to the project.


We’re a lean, agile and dynamic investment team that’s not afraid of a challenge.

Our Values

Our guiding principles that keep us on the right path and that help us align ourselves with the projects we’re investing in:


Recognizing that we’re all part of one and the impact we have in other people and the planet is ultimately the impact we have for ourselves and future generations to come.


Creating the conditions to experiment, learn and to expose people to opportunities for personal growth. Promoting innovation and challenging the status quo.


Enjoying the journey and allowing ourselves time to disconnect, replenish and recalibrate our physical, emotional and mental wellbeing.


Inspiring the right behavior by not seeing anything and anyone as “good” or “bad”, “right” or “wrong”. Recognizing cultural differences and allowing everyone to be their own unique expression of the whole.

We have a diverse set of skills, from financial and corporate know-how to strategic advice and technological expertise.

As a result, we’re able to integrate different fields and departments together in one fluid process. It’s all about purpose, processes and people. Our underlying investments contain larger teams, and we play an integral role in making sure these come together in terms of implementing the vision while also reaching the desired returns.